EN - Team Photo @ Club Gala
28 Feb 2016
Dear Members
But First .... Let Me Take A Selfie!
Well not quite a selfie but this is a big call out to all swimmers as we are going to be taking a team photo at the next club gala on Sunday 20th March.
If you haven't done so already, please get an gala entry form from Tony as soon as you can. For all our new members please do not hesitate to ask Duncan, Tom or anyone poolside if you have any questions about the gala. We really do want to get as many swimmers there as possible.
On the day of the gala please can all swimmers bring their club t-shirts and hoodies and club hats so that we are a glorious display of black and gold. We are likely to take the photo prior to the warm-up whilst everyone is dry so please turn-up prompt so that you are poolside for 3pm.
Look forward to seeing you all!
Your Committee