Welfare and Safeguarding
Welfare and safeguarding within our club is considered everyone’s responsibility. We aim to create the safest environment within which every swimmer has the chance to achieve their goals.
We will ensure all club members are listened to, and that appropriate action is taken.
We’ve formed working relationships between parents/carers, swimmers, and volunteers. We aim to continue this, resolve any issues and maintain our family-friendly club atmosphere.
Our welfare policies aim to ensure that:
- All swimmers are safe and protected from harm
- All swimmers feel safe and healthy
- Swimmers, coaches, parents/carers and volunteers are aware of the expected behaviour as set out in our Code of Conduct.
Wavepower, which sets out Swim England's safeguarding policy and procedures and was updated at the beginning of 2024, can be downloaded here.
Should you have any welfare issues you feel you need to discuss with someone in confidence please contact any of the officers below.
- Ledbury & Malvern Swim Club Welfare Officer– Sean McKenna - E: [email protected]
- Worcester County Welfare Officer – Theresa Bisengo - E: [email protected]
- West Midlands Regional Safeguarding Lead – Jobeth Hamilton - E: [email protected] - T: 07936 797919
- National Swim England Child Safeguarding team - E: [email protected] - T: 01509 640 700 (Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 3 for Safeguarding)
Other options for help are listed below:
- NSPCC Childline - T: 0800 1111 - W: www.childline.org.uk - Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry
- ASA Swimline - T: 0808 100 4001
- NSPCC Child Protection Helpline - T: 0808 800 5000 (24hrs)
- Herefordshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub - T: 01432 260800 - W: Link
- Young Minds – T: 0808 802 5544 W: Link
- Selfharm UK - W: Selfharm.co.uk
- Harmless - W: harmless.org.uk
- Kooth – Online mental wellbeing - W: kooth.com
- Samaritans – T: 116-123 - W: samaritans.org