Poolside Officials
We are always looking for more officials to help at our various galas and competitions. All competitive swimming clubs are asked to provide ASA Licensed officials for galas and competitions, usually on a ratio of 1 qualified official for every 8-10 swimmers competing.
The events cannot run if they are ASA licensed without a large team of officials of different grades. To give you an idea on the size of the officials team needed for swimming events in a 6 lane pool like at Malvern Active, it would require 3+ Referee’s, 1 or 2 J2S’s, 2 to 3 J2’s, plus 10 to 12 J1 qualified officials to run a Level 3 Open Meet. A pool such as Sandwell with 10 lanes, will require 40+ qualified officials to deliver a Level 3, Level 2 or Level 1 Gala.
Contact us if you’d like to help the club by becoming a swim official. There is a training budget to help volunteers gain their qualifications. If you are interested in become an official, a gala referee, or time keeper or any other position, please contact the Workforce Coordinator through our Who’s Who page.
LAMSC is totally reliant on volunteer help to run training sessions, enter competitions, raise funds, seek sponsors and run all the admin work which goes on in the background. The more volunteers, the more successful and efficient the club will be. The club is undergoing continual development and growth in all sections as our success as a competitive club continues.
We are always looking for volunteer coaches, poolside helpers and team managers to support our swimmers by the pool during training and at competitions. If you’re not keen on going poolside, there are plenty of roles to enjoy, from team managers to raffle ticket sales, and ranging from one off events to more long term regular commitment. We can always do with extra help running raffles, selling club kit, representing your child’s squad or team on a committee, organizing teams, booking transport for competitions, keeping our website up to date, marketing, accounting and sponsorship.
There’s a job for everyone and we do need everyone to make the club a success. Please get involved, contact Workforce Coordinator through our Who’s Who page.
As a club that offers training sessions for beginners through to elite performance, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved as a poolside helper and space to progress through to teaching and coaching. As an amateur club, the majority of our full time officials and coaches are volunteers and are therefore unpaid, but full training and support is always available.
Fundraising is important to the club and as such we hold several club wide fundraising events throughout the year including prize draw raffles, BBQ and a Summer Party. We really need volunteers to help with the organizing of these events, as well as helping out at the event too. If you can help with sponsorship or fundraising for events, please contact us.
Ledbury, Malvern, Swim Club, Official, Volunteer, Coach, Support