LADASC ASA Registration 2016
20 Jan 2016
ASA Registration Categories and Fees
To swim for an ASA registered club, all swimmers, coaches, gala officials and poolside helpers have to be ASA registered. There are three ASA registration categories, and a full description of these can be found on the ASA website at the following link:
Within LADASC the following table describes how we match the different training groups to the different ASA categories.
LADASC Groups |
ASA Category |
DG1 + DG2 |
1 |
TG1, TG2 + TG3 |
2 |
Club |
2 |
Masters |
1 |
Coaches, Gala Officials, Poolside Helpers |
3 |
ASA registration is an annual process, however, during the year your ASA category can be uplifted (subject to any additional fees being paid). This means that any DG swimmers that progress into TG1 can become Category 2 registered during the year.
ASA accept registrations throughout the year, so swimmers that join the club during the year can be registered straight away.
The annual ASA registration fee is different for each category, and is the combination of national (ASA), regional (West Midlands) and county (Worcestershire) fees. The 2016 fees are detailed in the table below.
ASA Category |
West Mids |
Worcs |
Total |
1 |
£8.70 |
£6.50 |
£1.00 |
£16.20 |
2 |
£25.50 |
£6.50 |
£1.50 |
£33.50 |
3 |
£5.00 |
£6.50 |
- |
£11.50 |
Worcestershire also charge the club an annual fee of £50.00
It has been LADASC’s policy to charge each swimmer the same annual fee (in 2015 this was £32.75) with the additional revenue from DG1 and DG2 swimmers used to cover the annual club fee from Worcestershire and the registration fees of the club volunteers (Gala Officials, Poolside Helpers). However, with the difference between the Category 1 and Category 2 fees being higher than before, the committee has decided to change this policy.
2016 will see DG1 and DG2 swimmers being charged £16.20.
TG1, TG2, TG3 and Club swimmers will be charged £33.50.
Masters swimmers will pay £11.50.
In implementing this policy with immediate effect, it does mean that club reserves will be used to cover the ASA registration fees for club volunteers and the Worcestershire club fee. However, this is for 2016 only. In 2017, a small club fee will be added to the annual fee. It will be the same amount for each swimmer and will cover these costs.
We recognise that some DG1 and DG2 swimmers have already paid Tony £33.50. If this applies to you, then please see Tony and he will be able to sort this out for you.
Thank you for your patience and we hope that this explains the ASA registration process. If you do have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask any of the committee members or anyone poolside.