Ledbury Pool - New Timetable from June 2016
25 Mar 2016
Temporary Timetable Announcement
We are happy that we are now able to release the temporary timetable and associated changes to the club’s arrangements during the 10-month closure of the swimming pool in Ledbury. All of the changes described here will take effect on Wednesday 1stJune. The timetable and fee discounts are valid for the closure period only; the squads will continue to be reviewed each term, as usual.
Squad Changes
These are normally implemented at the end of the March and become active when swimmers return from the Easter break. However, this year we felt that it was better if we made the squad changes at the same time as the timetable change.
Considerable effort has been made to maintain the quality and quantity of pool time for all of our swimmers and we have secured as much pool time as we can within the local area.
Looking at the evening schedule, we have managed to keep a Ledbury-based activity on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Sunday’s 3hr session has switched to the recently refurbished pool at Ross.
We have also managed to keep the session for our younger DG1/DG2 swimmers from 5pm to 6pm, but it is now at the Malvern St James pool in Malvern on a Wednesday.
A fitness session (for Masters and Club members) and an early evening session (for Masters) have been added to the evening timetable. Note that these will be non-coached sessions.
On all weekday mornings, and on Saturday mornings, we have secured pool time at Malvern College and Ross, but only 2 lanes in each session. Because it falls between the two main Thursday and Friday night sessions, the Friday morning session will be another fitness session for Masters and Club swimmers.
For the other morning sessions, we invite all TG1, TG2 and TG3 swimmers to email us (at [email protected]) with which morning sessions you would be able to and plan to attend. We will review all of your comments and then allocate the morning sessions in accordance with which swimming groups are planning to attend.
Please note that club swimmers are still entitled to attend two evening sessions per week but this remains at the discretion of the Head Coach. If you are a club swimmer then please email your evening session requests to the club secretary who will co-ordinate a reply from the Head Coach.
It is also important to note that the timetable is not fixed in stone. After a month or so we will review the attendance figures at each session and if necessary amend the timetable in accordance with demand. One change that will be happening is that in October the swimming pool at The Elms school in Colwall will have completed its refurbishment and we will be able to book some evening sessions there. And other pool options will no doubt become available during the 10-month closure period.
Club Galas
Club galas will be held at Malvern College on Sundays between 2pm and 5pm. We will also use the Malvern College pool for other events such as stroke clinics, swim camps etc.
Club Fees
As many of you know, our club operates at a break-even capacity. Now that our membership is healthy the little extra we have at the end of each month is used to subsidise various things, including buses to away galas, long course training, the Christmas Monster Party and more. However, in recognition of the timetable changes, and the additional traveling for some, the committee unanimously agreed to use the club’s reserves to enable the fees of the most affected training groups to be discounted for the refurbishment period.
You will see from the table that the TG3 and Masters fees have not been discounted as the pool time for these groups has not be adversely affected, and for TG3s a spinning session has been added.
Fee /month (Standard) |
Discount |
Fee /month (during the closure) |
DG1 |
£26.25 |
£1.25 |
£25.00 |
DG2 |
£42.00 |
20% |
£33.60 |
TG1 |
£47.25 |
20% |
£37.80 |
TG2 |
£52.50 |
20% |
£42.00 |
TG3 |
£52.50 |
None |
£52.50 |
Club |
£36.75 |
£1.75 |
£35.00 |
Masters |
£10.50 |
None |
£10.50 |
Malvern College Health Club Discounted Membership
Please speak to a member of the Committee about this opportunity
Notice Board
During the refurbishment period we will no longer have our beloved Ledbury Swimming Club Notice board. But a new noticeboard will be born at Malvern College and will be in place before the 1st June. It will be located just inside the corridor to the changing rooms on the wall on the right hand side. We will populate the noticeboard with the all of the information currently displayed at Ledbury.
If you have any comments or questions regarding the new squad lists, the temporary timetable, lift shares or anything else, then please let us know. We will support whatever requests and suggestions that we can.
Happy Easter to all, and enjoy the long weekend break.
The Committee